Earlier this month my hunting partner Martin and I went out and hunted some High Country Mule Deer in North Eastern Nevada. Being as my mantra is "Learning what not to do is part of the learning process", I decided to share what I learned from the trip. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Occasionally, I am not a clever man. This year while applying for tags with my hunting partner Martin, he said he wanted to put in for Cow Elk Archery again. When we went to the application screen, I saw that it was a party tag, meaning you could put in as a group, and if you draw you are guaranteed the same tag. I said what the hell, and applied. Needless to say, I got a tag.
The challenge? I did not own a real bow (other than my sweet 10 pound draw weight compound bow I had had since I was a young child). So here I was, 8 weeks out from the hunt, bowless, and not having shot a bow for nearly 25 years. This has been such an adventure, I figured I would share the journey with everyone. After all, learning what not to do is also a part of the learning process. EZ In Part I, I discussed the basics of shooting ground squirrels in the west. Now comes the fun part, picking a caliber to send the furry hordes of Satan back to their rightful place in hell. In this article I will discuss the calibers that I have used with success, the pros and cons of each, and what I would recommend off of the shelf today. Now, by no means is this caliber list inclusive, and the only way to do things. Shit, I have shot ground squirrels with .338 Lapua Magnum, and some other pretty silly stuff, but this is the stuff I have shot, and found that they do a pretty good job in dispatching squirrels. Be warned, this is probably my longest article to date. Might want to grab an adult beverage or three, then click read more.
Springtime has long been my favorite time of the year. The weather starts to warm up, the flora starts to bloom and grow, women start to wear short skirts and shorts, and the Western Ground Squirrels comes out.
For me, shooting squirrels is like my own personal Superbowl, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and Taco Tuesday all rolled into one. This article will be the first of many about shooting ground squirrels in the west, and will establish a basic overview of why we do it, and what it's like. For nearly the last two years, I can say that I have worked in the "Gun Industry", buying and selling firearms of all makes, models and imaginable flavors. I have a lot of people tell me that I have a dream job. Some days, this is definitely true. Some days it is a nightmare. Irregardless, it is a pretty fun ride, and here I am, sharing some of the things I have learned, seen, and heard with you, my readers. Click read more for some insight and photos of what I see. Be warned though; some of the content may give you an erection, some may give you a heart attack, and some may give you an aneurism. This is what it is like, to buy and sell guns for a living.
Since I started working in the gun business, there are a lot of things that I have noticed as recurring themes. Some of them good, and others not so good. But hey, I'll be damned if my motto isn't "Learning what not to do is part of the learning process". All too often I find that people are attempting to "Chase the Unicorn". What is that? Click "Read More" to find out.
It has probably been pretty easy to notice that I have not done much on this site in the last year damned near. Why is that?
Life, is the easy answer. Since I have been working in the retail firearms industry (for nearly two years now), it is somewhat difficult for me to come home after a day working with guns, and talking guns, and talk more guns. To be completely honest, the last year I was in a bit of a slump when it came to gun stuff, and I did not get out anywhere near as much as I should have, nor do much shooting. The main thing that I did over the last year was increase my lifting and physical fitness. 2014 I logged over 150 lifting days from April through December. As a result, I will start publishing some stuff under the Fitness tab up top. As a result of these two things, each time I sat down to actually write an article, after I was done when I would sit down and read it over, I would trash it, as I came across like an asshole. I have about a dozen articles right now in various states of completion, because I had a stick up my ass when I started them. I would give up on them, go lift some heavy shit, then come home and play some Mass Effect and go to bed. Needless to say, I am feeling a bit better about writing again, so here we go on some more cool stuff. Squirrels are coming out shortly, and I have a plethora of cool stuff, along with a 24.3 megapixel camera that should keep you entertained. EZ |
March 2023