Let's be honest, it hasn't really been rolling along the last couple of years. Lots of things have happened in life and with my interest in this website since then. Back when I started this, Christmas night 2012 I wanted to talk about guns all day long. 2013 I started doing that for a living, buying and selling firearms to and from the masses. As the years progressed doing it for a living, my interests in talking about it in my off time waned significantly.
I have been out of the business since October 12th 2020, and as a result, I am feeling like talking about guns again....when I am not getting paid for it. Well, other than my "No talking about guns with my new coworkers at my new job" rule I have instituted. I was sitting in the breakroom when I overheard someone say "You can't build or buy an AR better than a Springfield Saint". That made me go sit in my truck for my lunch and sob hysterically.
But basically, since I am slowly beginning to like guns again (and I even bought something cool to shitpost about on the 23rd), I will become more active here. Theoretically. I have done some pretty cool stuff in the last couple of years, and I have seen and heard some horrible things working high volume big box firearms sales for 7 years. Some of it good, some of it absolutely crimes against mankind. As the pain subsides, maybe I will share it with the world. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Merry Christmas to all
Except godless communist heathens, not like they are "people" or anything
EZ 2020