So I got a chance to look over a Remington R51, and I am not impressed. On the one I played with, the slide is extremely hard to rack. As in it takes considerable effort and seems like it is locked in place until you pull it with great effort. I find this pretty amusing, as they advertise this pistol as having "The lightest slide racking force of any pistol in its class". Three of us handled the pistol, and we all had a problem racking the slide. I would more than likely bet it has to do with something that is not fit well from the factory, which is not a surprise from Remington nowadays.
Gearing up for Ground Squirrel Season, Tom, The Giant Ginger, and I have been doing load development, and searching for the perfect load that yields the absolutely smallest group possible. But, at what point does the law of diminishing return kick in? When is it adequate?
March 2023