That being said, I was finally able to get to the range to shoot the Glock. How did it go? Well, you will have to click the little "Read More" icon to find out!
First Impressions
Shooting it, somewhat informally, against the Steyr, I was a bit more accurate with the Glock. But, that is probably due to the Trapezoidal sights of the Steyr sucking even more than the polymer sight fillers on the Glock. Recoil management was fast, as the pistol tracks very well. I will compare the Steyr and the Glock in depth in a separate article, I just wanted to try out some new reloads.
And how did the Glock do? Well it was reliable, but ejection was.......well, lets just say it was erratic, annoying, and painful. Take a look at the video and judge for yourself.