Gear Queers
The thing is, most of this high end tactical equipment, never, ever sees the light of day, except for the random range trip, carefully staged photo ops, and running around the house in it while looking in every mirror to see how absofuckinglutely tactical you are in your high speed low drag man suit. They could have spent the thousands of dollars on a lot more useful stuff, but in order to be in the cool kids club, they went past potato and ended up at firetruck.
Wet Dreams
On forums, people will post their "Every Day Carry" (known to the cool kids as "EDC"). A lot of the time it is the absolutely most ridiculous shit. People say that they carry two guns, four knives, three flashlights, a medical kit for gun shots, a pocket pussy, and handcuffs. The shit you see is absolutely comical, and unfuckingbelievable.
Porcelain Dolls
What does this all mean?